Pledge 2025
Giving to Calvary is how we sustain our life together.
At Calvary, we are dedicated to being the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus, working together with our neighbors to create a beloved community. By sharing our time, talent, and treasure, we make a real impact both within our church and in the world.
Your pledge for 2025 is essential to this mission. Please take time to pray and consider your commitment for the coming year.
YOUR SUPPORT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey.
You are invited to the Pledge Ingathering and Blessing
Date: Sunday, November 3
(All Saints’ Sunday)
Time: All worship services
Did you know that 100% of your pledge dollars support our living ministries at Calvary? Running a church requires significant resources for clergy, staff, ministries, and outreach.
While we have an endowment and invested funds that help to maintain our historic building and fund certain ministries, they cover only so much. Currently, we are short of fully funding our living ministries through pledges. We aim to close this gap as our membership grows, ensuring that our clergy, staff, and programs are fully supported by your contributions.
Stock Donations
Thank you for considering a gift of stock to Calvary Church. Stock donations can be used to give a one-time gift and/or be applied to your annual pledge.
Just notify the church office or Calvary Treasurer at when you wish to donate any stocks and we will provide instructions for your broker or the company that holds the stock in safekeeping.
We are a 501©3; our legal name is The Parish of Calvary Clifton and our Tax ID is 31-064538.
Please contact us for additional information at 513-861-4437.