Grow outwardly through connection
About Us
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth
John 1:14
Calvary Episcopal Church is a vibrant, active church filled with people of all ages. Members here find their place in the mission and ministry of the church with the help of the community, finding ways to serve that make their God-given spiritual gifts come to life.
We are located in the Clifton neighborhood, but members of Calvary Church come from over 25 zip codes in the greater Cincinnati area. Our building dates back to 1868, and stands as a historic presence that ties us to those people of faith who went before us and serves as a symbol of stability and hope.
We share the traditions of faith and order with the Church of England, from which the Episcopal Church emerged. As part of the Anglican Communion of which the Church of England is the “mother church,” we use the Book of Common Prayer to guide us in our worship services. And we rely on a “three-legged stool” of Scripture, tradition, and reason to guide us in our spiritual life.
We find the fullest expression of Christian faith in the Holy Scripture, the Creeds, the Sacraments—especially Baptism and Holy Communion, those sacraments that Christ commanded us to continue—and our lay and ordained ministers.
Calvary Episcopal Church Statement of Inclusion:
- Calvary Church believes God’s love is not limited by human definition.
- We honor the Grace within every human being.
- We love all people because God loves all people.
- We invite every person to join our community without regard to age, color, economic circumstance, religion, ethnic background, nationality, family configuration, gender identity, gender, expression, sexual orientation, politics, or ability (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual).
- We follow the way of Jesus and affirm the diversity of people’s stories, beliefs, and customs.
- We believe by Jesus’s example, we are called with open hearts and minds to love and serve the community and all people.
(Adopted Lent 2019)
Our mission & vision
Our Mission is to be: Confident in God’s love for us, fearless in our love for all. #confidentfearlessLove@CalvaryClifton
Our Vision is:

To grow inwardly in faith through worship, music, and education and outwardly through invitation, welcome, and connection

To be Jesus’s heart, hands and feet, humbly collaborating with our neighbors to realize beloved community

To open ourselves to God’s grace, recognizing that we are all broken saints and redeemed sinners