This week: June 30

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
– Semisonic, “Closing Time”

Route 66 Terminus, Chicago, IL

Rev. Allison and her daughters completed the final leg of Route 66, starting at the beginning of Route 66 in Chicago, Illinois. Before arriving in Chicago, her best friend from college, Becky, met them in St. Louis, MO. They enjoyed going up in the arch and checking out the museums in the city, attending a movie at the Skyview Drive-in in Litchfield, IL.

In Chicago, Allison, Becky, and the girls stayed just blocks from where Route 66 begins. Both Becky and Allison worked at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls on Jackson Blvd. for a year after college. There they lived in intentional spiritual community and served at-risk teenagers who lived in residence at the facility. This was the first place that Rev. Allison heard someone clearly articulate a call to ordained ministry, when a youth at the facility asked where he could go to church to hear her preach. She was connected with fellow staff at Mercy Home in the Aftercare department, where she was able to reach out to connect with Devon, the youth who was such an inspiration to her calling to the priesthood.

After arriving home from Route 66, Rev. Allison has some dedicated days to settle back into life at her home in Cincinnati. She celebrated the Fourth of July holiday with an annual block party hosted by her family and a group of neighbors. She will take some time to visit with family on her final weekend away.

She returns to the office Monday, July 8 and looks forward to leading worship on Sunday, July 14!