Sunday night we enjoyed a classic game night on the porch. I introduced two hilarious, action-packed games to the group: “Throw, Throw Burrito” and “Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza.” We laughed so hard, especially when dueling with giant inflatable burritos in the parking lot!! As always, we ended in prayer and shared about our highs and lows from the week. It’s always heartening to hear the kids share about what they are grateful for, and their hopes for themselves and the ones they love.

I hope you’ve had a chance to fill out the survey I sent yesterday — if not, it would be great if you could do that soon so that I can make a game plan for whether we’ll meet inside on Sunday or continue to meet outdoors for the time being.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday at 4:30!

Reverend Olivia