Hello Fearless Families!

Have you ever played telephone pictionary with your kids!? If not, have them teach you how to play over winter break. I promise you’ll find it hilarious. Somehow we started with the prompt “jingle bells” and wound up with the phrase “radioactive butterflies” at the end of the game. I love the sense of humor that the kids bring to our time together.

This Sunday will be our final meeting before we take a two week break. We’ll be watching “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” and reflecting on the time we’ve spent together this year. On Sunday December 26th and January 2nd we will not meet. On Sunday, January 9th we’ll be hosting an acolyte training during Fearless. If your child/children are interested in the ministry of acolyting, please let me know and plan to have them come at 4:30 on January 9th. If they are not interested at this time, we will see them on the 16th. I’ll send out a reminder about all of this next week!

Reverend Olivia