Yesterday was jam packed. We started off with a big game of capture the flag (or in this case, capture the juice box) and the kids got a lot of energy out. Next up, we made “Trail Mix with a Twist.” The kids had about a dozen ingredients to chose from, but had to come up with a theological reason for including each ingredient in their mix. Here were some of my favorites:

  • Pretzels, because God is infinite just like the loops of a pretzel – Desmond
  • Milk Duds, because sometimes you get stuck in life and God can help you – Peter
  • Pretzels, because life is full of twists and turns – Jane
  • Marshmallows, because God made the clouds – Justine
  • M&Ms, because God made life colorful – Xander

The kids were able to take one bag of their trail mix home and save one here at church for our creek walk that we’ll be doing in a few weeks (more info to come on that.) Finally, Calvary parishioner Raina Graham led us in an exploration of watercolors, with each child painting their own mountainscape. We talked about all the places where we can find God, including nature. We talked about how every painting (and every person!) is a unique creation. And finally, we talked about how, no matter if we are at the mountaintop or in the valley, God is with us. We ended in prayer, as always.

I had trouble choosing just one photo from the week, so here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

I look forward to seeing you next week for week two of watercolor painting!


Rev. Olivia