“Can you hear them as they pass by? Can you feel them standing just beside you? They are the ones who have gone before, saints who have touched our lives. They are the family to which we belong, ancient and never ending. Our ancestors watch over us, their constant vigil keeping. Their wisdom surrounds us. Their healing a river through channels of time. Can you hear them? They speak of a love they have seen, love beyond imagining, love that holds us safe, until we rise to meet them.” – Bishop Steven Charleston (read at our service by Xander).

Sunday was a powerful day. After playing an awesome new game (ROADKILL!), the kids helped to decorate the church’s grounds with luminaria and pitched in to bring our Altar of Remembrance to life. Each child played a key role in crafting a space that was reflective and prayerful for those who came to join us for worship. I was touched by the many photos and mementos that were shared and grateful for the kids’ sharing. I hope this will become an annual tradition, as I think it was very meaningful for many.

A few announcements: I will be away on Sunday, as will Paula. Rev. Allison and our Miriam McKinney, Calvary’s Youth Ministry Coordinator, will be stepping in to lead group and to share with the youth about the acolyte ministry at Calvary. It promises to be a fun time (think acolyte olympics!).

I also wanted to make you aware of an event taking place at Calvary next Friday evening (November 19th) from 5:30-6:30. We’ll be serving an outdoor pizza dinner and putting together Thanksgiving bags for our friends at St. Andrew’s Food Pantry. To see our donation wishlist, check out our Sign Up Genius.

Finally, on Sunday, November 21st, we’ll be doing something different from our normal routine and going down to the Mill Creek with parishioner Chip Skidmore to learn about restoration efforts underway there. We’ll be putting this into the context of how we are each called to care for God’s Creation in our own backyard. I will send out more information as the day approaches, but please be aware that we will be meeting from 12:30-2:30 on this day (rather than our usual time) so that we can hopefully get as much sun/warmth as possible. We’ll have lunch at church from 12:30-1:00 provided by the church and then head down to Salway Park which is about a five minute drive from here.

Congrats if you’ve made it this far! I hope this Sunday’s Altar of Remembrance sparked good conversation in your homes and families. It was an honor to work with the kids to make it happen.

Reverend Olivia

PS Thanks to Organist and Choirmaster Howard Helvey for this week’s photos that put mine to shame!