While it was disappointing that our Mill Creek adventure was cancelled due to the weather, we had a great time on Sunday night none-the-less. We talked about the upcoming season of Advent and what the season means for us: waiting, expectation, hope. The kids got a chance to dig through the treasure trove of art supplies that Paula and I got at Indigo Hippo (https://www.indigohippo.org/) and made some awesome Advent art that will be used as cover art for our worship bulletins during the season. I made the rookie mistake of letting them use glitter: apologies for the fact that many of your cars and homes were most likely glitter bombed Sunday night!!! I’m still finding it in the most random places…

We will meet this Sunday as usual from 4:30-6:00 pm. In the meantime, I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I am grateful the opportunity that I’ve had this year to get to know each of you and your children on a deeper level. It is a huge blessing!

Reverend Olivia