What an incredible Holy Week we had at Calvary!

From the Choir proclaiming the Passion Narrative on Palm Sunday to washing feet and keeping watch on Maundy Thursday to the powerful solemn collects of Good Friday and the music of the evening Good Friday liturgy. We celebrated 12 confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmations of faith and began our Easter Celebration around a new fire that Tom Bible and Confirmand Myles Hill managed to get robustly started even in the rain. Our Easter Alleluias made the day complete, along with the flowered cross, new parish banner, and the triumphant return of the pipe organ as we sang out “Jesus Christ is Risen Today!”

Thank you to everyone who took part in the preparations for this year’s service– especially to Shirley Adams and Janet Keller, who fearlessly led the Altar Guild in our most important and action-packed week of the year.