Grow Inwardly in faith
For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
”Persistent Faith” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
The Ethics of Love
Sermon at Calvary Episcopal Church – The Reverend Allison English, preaching
“Caviar Riots” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
Measuring our Murmurs
The Little Way, Life of the World
Finding our Rest
Broken Saints and Redeemed Sinners
Fear and Fearlessness
The invasive, pervasive, stately Reign of God
Worship Times
8:00AM Quiet Eucharist
9:15AM Family Worship
10:00AM Calvary Community Hour
11:00AM Holy Eucharist with choir & organ