Grow Inwardly in faith
For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
Setting the Table and Caring for All
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
All Saints’ Sunday
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Messy Lives, Complicated Endings
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Freedom to Fail
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Humus Beings
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
True Greatness
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Let There Be Logic
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
”I Am Your Food”
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
This What Jesus Does with Us
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
The Power of Rest
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
In the Face of Violence
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Pentecost 4 Sermon, Rev. Olivia Hamilton
Worship Times
8:00AM Quiet Eucharist
9:15AM Family Worship
10:00AM Calvary Community Hour
11:00AM Holy Eucharist with choir & organ