Over the past few years, Calvary has been deepening our relationship with Bethany House, a local shelter that serves families experiencing homelessness. In our effort to respond to the expressed needs of the communities we partner with, we have identified with Bethany House that providing programming and support to children living in the shelter is a great way that Calvary can be involved. This July, we’re launching a new and exciting collaboration called “Compassion Camp.” Compassion Camp is similar to a vacation bible school, and focuses specifically on what every living thing needs to thrive: food, water, air, shelter, and of course, compassion!
On the evenings of July 10th-13th we’ll host Compassion Camp at Calvary from 6-8pm. Our Kitchen Crewe will provide a simple dinner. The following week, July 17th-20th, we’ll host Compassion Camp at Bethany House for children residing at the shelter, from 6-7:30pm. Finally, on the evening of July 21st, both groups will gather at Bethany House for an ice cream social and culminating celebration. Youth of all ages are welcome to participate and adults are invited to pitch in to lead activities, help with cooking and cleanup, and build community among the two groups. For more information, or to register, contact Rev. Olivia Hamilton at olivia@calvaryclifton.org