This Sunday we talked about Jesus’ mission that he proclaimed in the synagogue at Nazareth: to bring good news to the poor, to heal hurting people, to set the captives free, and to announce the year of the Lord’s favor. We imagined together what our Fearless mission might be, and came up with some great ideas. It’s also an acrostic!

At Fearless, we strive to:

FIND: hope, love for all others, that animals are being treated well, people to love, a place where people with no homes can stay, ways to save the animals!

EXPLORE: the goodness inside of people, the great outdoors, friendship, ways to give to others, explore the world and find endangered animals and protect them!

ALWAYS: help people who need to be helped, love, be helpful, have passion for animals and others, care!

REMEMBER TO: be kind and supportive, help others in need, trust God and believe God can help you, pray, be happy, be kind and caring!

LOVE: everyone as yourself, God with all my heart, animals and the earth, your family, love ALL!

EXPRESS: your emotions and concerns, thanks to God and others, yourself, express love!

SERVE: God gladly, the ones in need, serve goodness on your table and in your life!

STAND: for equality and fairness, with the people you love, stand up for justice for all people, stand for oppressed people, stand by Jesus!

Now those are some ideas I can get behind!

Looking forward to seeing many of your children this Sunday @ 4:30.


Reverend Olivia