This Sunday morning during our Community Hour Rev. Allison contextualized Halloween by sharing about its significance within the series of holy days that also includes All Saints’ and All Souls’ days. This unique time in the church year offers us a chance to remember and honor the faithful departed who we’ve known and loved in their time on earth. On Sunday afternoon, the tweens gathered (in costume!) on my porch and decorated luminaria that will be used to light the path at this week’s All Soul’s Vigil. The vigil will take place Sunday, November 7th at 5:30 at the church and will be a time of remembrance and connection to all the saints of the church and of our own lives.

You are invited and encouraged to bring a picture of your departed loved one(s) or an object that reminds you of them. We will place the pictures and objects on our Altar of Remembrance and join together in a short service that honors the lives of the faithful departed, being reminded that in and through Christ we are bound to one another in timeless love.


Rev. Olivia