As we get through the hustle and bustle of May, I know that summer is coming, which means it’s time to get ready for Summer Stories! Summer Stories is our children’s curriculum for the summer months. It pairs the lectionary readings for the day with a picture book to bring out the themes of the lesson in a relatable way. Last year I was excited to try formatting the curriculum to be integrated into the Family Worship service as an intergenerational offering. I was so happy with this approach that we are continuing in this way this year as well! Our season will start on June 12th and go through August 28th.
In order to help bring life to the program, I am looking for story tellers for the summer months. As story teller you will briefly recap the Bible lesson for the day and then read the assigned picture book to the congregation. You will help the families initiate discussion around the theme of the stories. You don’t have to come up with any of this on your own, a leader sheet with an outline to follow is available for each story of the summer. This is a fun way to get kids thinking about how what we say and listen to in church relates to other things in our lives, and we’ll send them on their way with a prepackaged craft kit to continue that process as they leave the service for the day.
Summer Stories is a great opportunity for the children to see many faces in our congregation helping to teach. If you are interested in signing up to share a story there is a physical sign up sheet on the Sunday School bulletin board. There is also a link to sign up online here. If you would like more information please contact Sally. I look forward to seeing you there and sharing the stories!