we are Calvary Episcopal Church Clifton

Confident in God’s love for us;
fearless in our love for all.

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Sundays, starting March 9 during Calvary Community Hour – Jesus and Nonviolence Join us for a transformative study of Jesus and Nonviolence by Walter Wink. Together, we’ll explore the teachings of Jesus and discover how his message of peace and justice can reshape our lives and the world. Books available on the stage in Hannaford Hall for $11/each.

Sundays from 12:30 – 2pm, starting March 9 at Clifton United Methodist Church – Non-Violent Resistance Training After our successful collaboration with Ignite Peace and Clifton United Methodist Church as we hosted the Race and Racism in Cincinnati docuseries, we partner with them again for this vital series on learning the practice of non-violence that once shaped the Civil Rights movement. Lunch will be served. Freewill offering will be received to cover costs.

all are welcome!

We’ve been here since 1867…

…but we’re a church living in the NOW. We look to our roots for inspiration and to the future with open hearts. At Calvary Episcopal Church, Clifton, you can find meaningful connections, tools to grow your faith, and opportunities to do good in the world.

We invite you to journey with us.

To grow inwardly in faith through worship, music, and education and outwardly through invitation, welcome, and connection

To be Jesus’ heart, hands and feet, humbly collaborating with our neighbors to realize beloved community

To open ourselves to God’s grace, recognizing that we are all broken saints and redeemed sinners

I want to…


learn about Calvary, our history, and our values


celebrate our love of God in community


praise God through music and art


resources to deepen our faith

Reach out

ways to be the hands & heart of Jesus out in the world


support Calvary’s ministries & outreach programs

Stories, News, & Happenings

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Coming Up

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Stories, News, & Happenings

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Coming Up

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