For years, I’ve been dreaming of creating an opportunity for foster, adoptive, and kinship families to gather together for worship and community-building. I envisioned a community that would be radically inclusive, following in the way of Jesus. Now that I’m full-time at Calvary, I’ve had the time and resources to make this dream a reality. I am calling this emerging community “The Brood.” Just as Jesus acts as a mother hen caring for her brood, so too I hope this community will be a place of care and grace for families as they navigate the spiritual and practical complexities of foster/kinship care and adoption. Though our gatherings in the future will be limited to foster/adoptive/kinship families, all are welcome to attend our “Tacos and Tie Dye” launch event on October 16th at 5pm. We’ll be meeting outdoors at Calvary. Please RSVP to me at so I know how many tacos to order! Whether you can make it or not, your prayers for this emerging ministry are most welcome!
Olivia Hamilton, MDiv