Grow Inwardly in faith
For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
Are you envious because I am generous?
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Take Up Your Cross
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Upon This Rock
Mr. Kyle Schenkewitz, Postulant for Holy Orders,...
Learning God
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
”Learning to Float” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
”Best of Times, Worst of Times” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
”Entry Ways to the Kingdom” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
Shucking corn, dining with friends, and the many...
”Entry Ways to the Kingdom” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
Shucking corn, dining with friends, and the many...
Wheat and Weeds and All
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
More than Enough
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Old Made New
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
”Prophetic Pastoral Preaching” by Rev. Olivia Hamilton
Worship Times
8:00AM Quiet Eucharist
9:15AM Family Worship
10:00AM Calvary Community Hour
11:00AM Holy Eucharist with choir & organ