Grow outwardly through connection
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith
1 John 5:4
Race and Racism in Cincinnati: A 3-Part Docuseries
The community is warmly invited to a 3-part series on the history of race and racism in Cincinnati.
Kids Only Giftmaking!
The kids had a wonderful time making Christmas gifts for the people they love. After giftmaking, the adults returned for lunch and merry conversation. There were over 20 kids!
Black History Month at Calvary
The community is warmly invited to a 3-part series on the history of race and racism in Cincinnati.
Eagle Scout Candidate Project Complete
This past month, Eagle Scout candidate Zach Wittenauer and several scouts and their parents and family members spent four weeks…
Strategic Planning 2022
Strategic Planning and a vision for Calvary
Pet Blessing 2022
The Blessing of the Animals at Calvary Church was a HOWLING success…yeah, we said it… 🙂
”I Will Teach You to be Rich”
Hustling for Love: What Does Love Look Like
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
Because God First Loved Us: Holy Cross Day
Podcast with Collect of the Day, readings and...
A new hymn for Calvary Church
Calvary Church holds a long tradition of fervent congregational singing, and it was exciting last year to imagine having a new hymn text commissioned that would reflect the congregation’s Mission and Vision statements.
Love and Hate: What Love Looks Like
The Reverend Allison English, preaching
(Re)Connect Potluck was a rousing success!
What a blessing to (re)connect with each other and break bread as a community.
Read the Chimes
Calvary’s weekly publication