Rector’s Sabbatical – Week 2

Rector’s Sabbatical – Week 2

This week: April 28 Robert’s Birthday and Focus on FamilyRev. Allison had the opportunity to enjoy a special birthday dinner with her husband, the Reverend Robert English, and to attend worship at Clifton United Methodist Church, where Robert serves as Lead Pastor....
Rector’s Sabbatical – Week 2

Rector’s Sabbatical – Week 1

This week: April 21 Path of Totality, Preparations and RestRev. Allison spent the first day of sabbatical traveling to her childhood home in Franklin, IN to view the solar eclipse in the path of totality with her mom, dad, husband Robert and their daughters at her...
Holy Week 2024

Holy Week 2024

What an incredible Holy Week we had at Calvary! From the Choir proclaiming the Passion Narrative on Palm Sunday to washing feet and keeping watch on Maundy Thursday to the powerful solemn collects of Good Friday and the music of the evening Good Friday liturgy. We...