Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols

Since the sixth century in Gaul, the season of Advent has been observed as a time of preparation for Christmas. It originally stretched from St. Martin’s Day (November 11) to Christmas Eve, and was known as “The Lent of St. Martin.” The season suggests reflection on...
Compassion Camp

Compassion Camp

Over the past few years, Calvary has been deepening our relationship with Bethany House, a local shelter that serves families experiencing homelessness. In our effort to respond to the expressed needs of the communities we partner with, we have identified with Bethany...
Pentecost is here!

Pentecost is here!

Sunday, May 28 – 10:00 am Pentecost Worship Service followed by Pentecost Picnic!Wear Red – Bring a dish to share (or other contribution) hot dogs and Hamburgers will be provided....
Pentecost 2023

Pentecost 2023

Sunday, May 28 – 10:00 am All are invited to ONE SERVICE of worship on Sunday, May 28 at 10:00 a.m. as we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Per tradition, a robust potluck meal follows worship. There will be ways for all ages to engage, including a special...