Calvary Youth is BACK!

Calvary Youth is BACK!

Calvary Youth met for the first time in person since March 2020, making modifications for COVID by meeting outdoors for the foreseeable future. We loved our time outdoors in our new 15’x15′ screen room and individual beanbags. The youth set up the tent...
FEARLESS Tweens Launch

FEARLESS Tweens Launch

We had a fantastic launch Sunday night! The tweens brought outstanding enthusiasm and excitement. Many s’mores were consumed, faces and hands got sticky, trees were climbed, and we even snuck in a little religious education amidst the icebreakers and giggles! To...
Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers

Give in honor of or thanksgiving for someone special. The cost is $60 and is paid to the church. Sign up HERE or on the bulletin board outside the Church Office or contact...